Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Love How Trees Look Like Bunches Of Broccoli From An Airplane…It Made Me Hungry!

Arriving to Philly went mostly smoothly. The plane actually left early, and it was only a half hour trip. Not bad, right?

Once I was in the Philadelphia airport, I had to find the shuttle that went to my hotel. I made arrangements to get picked up at 10:40 am. The shuttle didn’t get me until 11:40am. That was boring while I was waiting around for it. Not to mention I was on the shuttle for another hour while the other passengers were dropped off first. If there is one thing the Peace Corps will teach me, it’s patience (if I hadn’t already learned it with the application process).

Staging has been fun. The other volunteers are just as eager and anxious as I am. And everyone is pretty friendly. It’s so nice to be with fellow volunteers. As if I didn’t know already, this is going to be an awesome experience with awesome people.

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