
Since I don't expect everyone to remember all the place and people here in Moldova with me, I have listed them you can easily look up things you don't remember without having to search through all my past entries. Also, the Peace Corps uses a lot of acronyms, so I have listed those as well.


Chisinau (pronounced Ki-shi-now)-- Chisinau is the capital of the Republic of Moldova. It is a significant administrative, political, economic, scientific, cultural, and touristic centre of the Republic of Moldova. The first historic record of the name Chisinau goes back to July 17, 1436. The name derives from a word meaning "spring, pump, pipe". The city is located on seven hills and stretches over 120 square km. The population of Chisinau is over 727,000. Chisinau is crossed by two rivers, the Bic and Isnovat. The climate is moderate continental. The city is divided into 5 sectors: Centre, Buiucani, Botanica, Riscani, and Ciocana. The Greater Chisinau area comprises of 18 territorial administrative areas: 1 municipality, 6 towns, 8 communities, and 3 villages. The local administrative state body is the City Hall of Chisinau. Annual city celeration: October 14. The Peace Corps headquarters is located in Chisinau, and I travel here once a week for training.

Cojusna (pronounced Koh-jshew-shnah)-- Cojusna is a village located to the northwest of Chisinau. It is where I was living and training 6 days a week for 10 weeks (my PST site). The population of the village is around 7,000.

Criuleni (pronounced Kree-oo-lin)-- Criuleni is the raion where I will be teaching and living for my 2 years of service in the PC. It is located about 40 km northeast of Chisinau. The population is about 9,000, which is classified as a large village or small town.


Cojusna host family -- Vladimir (father), Tatiana (mother), Daniel (brother, 32 years), and Diana (sister, 26 years)

Cojusna training group -- Matt, Lauren, Cassie, Jim, Holly, and Natashia.

Criuleni host family -- Parascovia and Roman, and Camilla who is a boarder

Director of Criuleni school -- Ana

LTIs -- Nadia and Svetlana

Nina -- the program director of the EE program

Partner teachers -- Svetlana, Valentina, Tatiana, and Maria


ARBD-- Agribusiness and Rural Development program

CD-- Country Director

COD-- Community and Organization Development program

COS -- Close of Service

EE-- English Education program

ET-- Early Termination

HESC-- Health Education for Schools and Communities program

LTI-- Language and Technical Instructor (the cultural mentors, language instructors, and technical coaches)

OMS-- Office of Medical Services

PC-- Peace Corps

PCMO-- Peace Corps Medical Officer

PCT-- Peace Corps Trainee

PCV-- Peace Corps Volunteer

PST-- Pre-Service Training (the first 10 weeks of training)

RPCV -- Return Peace Corps Volunteer