Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Did You Know That…

I forgot to write an entry celebrating this fact, but December 8 marked my six months of being in Moldova. Oh my goodness gracious, is that right?!?! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that I have already been here six months. That’s almost a quarter of my service here. And other times it seems hard to believe that I’ve only been here for six months. It’s funny how time works. But you know, if I have made it through these six months, I think I make it through my next 21 months just fine.

As a reflection of my 6 months here, I thought about what I learned. And now I will share it with you. Did you know that…

  • you can actually go without peanut butter (more specifically Reese’s) for 6 months and not die? 
  • a tube of mascara can last longer than 6 months? 
  • baby powder can substitute for dry shampoo if necessary (but your hair will be a couple shades lighter)? 
  • boxes can be used for many different functions, such as bookshelves, jewelry holders, and laundry hampers? 
  • after 6 months, you still don’t get used to the smell of burning trash? 
  • you can survive with only 3 pairs of shoes? 

Okay, I’m just kidding about most of these. But I really have learned a lot while here; however, that list is too long to list in one sitting. And it grows longer every day. I think my favorite thing about celebrating my six-month anniversary is the feeling anticipation to continue the rest of my service time.

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