Thursday, June 27, 2013

POTD 20: Turul Moldovei

This year, we are celebrating Peace Corps being in Moldova for 20 years. And one of the many celebrations we’re doing is Turul Moldovei, a walking tour across Moldova. There is a group of volunteers starting in the south and another group starting in the north. Each group will walk for two weeks towards Chișinău, where both groups meet in the end for a big celebration.

Each day, the groups visit a different town or village. And today, the north group stopped in Criuleni. Over the past couple months, I helped organize their stop here. I worked with UNIT, the youth center here. We had a tour of Criuleni’s culture center as well as the town’s museum. Then we had a round table discussion, where we talked to town members about volunteering. Afterwards, we had dinner at a local café before heading down to the Nistru river for singing songs and playing games. We ended the night back at the youth center with more games. The next morning, we had breakfast at the café before the volunteers started on their walk to the next town.

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