Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ziua Mea De Naștere

My birthday is today, and it was a pretty good day. I have never had my birthday recognized by so many. It seems that most everyone in the school knew it was my birthday. In fact, some of my students told me happy birthday yesterday because we wouldn’t have a lesson together today.

Side story: I mentioned how yesterday during my last lesson, only 3 students showed up. During the lesson, they sang “Happy Birthday” to me and gave me flowers. After that was when one of them left. So I think those 3 students came just to wish me a happy birthday.

Anyways, when I got to school this morning, some of my students 7th form students surprised me with cake and flowers before lessons started. Additionally, Svetlana had a cake and a sunflower wall decoration for me. During my first lesson, several of my 6th form students wished me well and gave me flowers. During one of my free lessons, I had cake and tea with a couple of my partner teachers. Svetlana told me that they wanted me to feel at home because she knows that I miss my home. My partners were very kind and told me how they care for me.

During the break, several students wished me happy birthday. In fact, one student came to tell me that he has a gift for me he would give me tomorrow. And some of my 10th form students gave me a flower and a birthday card.

After the lessons, my partners treated me to lunch at the local restaurant. We had traditional Moldovan foods, and my partners taught me about how Moldovans toast during celebrations. First they toasted to my health and happiness, then my parents, and then to my success. And of course the wished that I find a good and handsome Moldovan boyfriend, whom of which they would have to meet to approve.

Overall, it was a great day! It reminded me of how happy I am to be here volunteering and how much I like the Moldovan people. Today also reminded me about how this time last year I was getting ready to move to Moldova. I was so excited to start the next quarter of my life. And I have to admit, it has been a great start!

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